What is the Inova 360˚ Concierge Medicine Program and what is the value of joining?

Dr. IbrahimBy Sandy Ibrahim, MD, a family physician and Medical Director of the Inova 360˚ Concierge Medicine Program

Inova 360° Concierge Medicine is a program, which affords the primary care provider and the patient the time that they both deserve to manage health care issues as they arise.

It represents an approach to medicine that is both preventive and therapeutic. Patient and physician retention is high with this model because 360° physicians feel it is the ideal way to practice medicine. There are no rushed visits, and there is a same-day conversation with your own physician, and easy access after-hours to a top-rated team of primary care providers.

Highlights of Inova’s conciege medicine program

  • Seven full-time physicians make up the program across four offices in Northern Virginia: Fair Oaks, Fairfax, Lansdowne and Springfield.
  • Each physician has a cap of 400 patients; traditional providers care for over 4,000 patients each.
  • Patients receive same-day or next-day office visits.
  • Office visits are 30 minutes long, twice that of a typical doctor’s office.
  • Annual physical exams are three to four hours long and include formal audiology, labs, vision screening, body composition mapping, one hour with a personal trainer and an entire hour with the doctor.

Join us
Learn more about the Inova 360° Concierge Medicine Program and schedule a free consultation.


  1. Dawn on November 8, 2018 at 8:00 am

    Hello, What is the cost to me and my insurance carrier for this program?

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