Cancer News: A Look at The Future of Targeted Therapy

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In the past, chemotherapy treatment was given to patients based on where in the body the cancer began, not taking in the factors of the molecular diversity of the individual patient’s cancer. Over the years, the development and advancement of the treatment for cancer has improved by applying molecular testing to determine individual patient tumors…

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Diet and Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Prevention: How to Get Started

Lauren Fay, RD, CSO, CNSC, is a registered dietitian at the Inova Schar Cancer Institute and Life With Cancer. She is board-certified in oncology nutrition and nutrition support. The American Cancer Society (ACS) recently released new diet and activity guidelines to reduce cancer risk. Great, you might be thinking. One more thing I should be…

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Free Webinar Oct. 17: Can Diet Help Reduce Cancer Risk?

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Online Zoom session: Saturday, Oct. 17 – 9 to 11 a.m. Register at Did you know you can help protect yourself against cancer using food? Inova oncology registered dietitian Lauren Fay says that, aside from not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight throughout life is the best way to protect against cancer. Lauren is leading…

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Inova’s Dr. Aragon-Ching Part of International Team Showing Benefit of Immunotherapy in Bladder Cancer Treatment

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Jeanny B. Aragon-Ching, MD of the Inova Schar Cancer Institute has co-authored a groundbreaking bladder cancer research paper just published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The large phase III clinical study showed that the addition of immunotherapy with Avelumab (Bavencio) increased the duration of overall survival by almost 50% in patients when given…

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The Evolving Role of Immunotherapy for Gastrointestinal Cancers

Raymond Wadlow, MD, is an oncologist at Inova Schar Cancer Institute. He is board-certified in Medical Oncology and Internal Medicine and has a special interest in gastrointestinal oncology.  Immunotherapy is a relatively new type of cancer therapy — and for some cancers, it has been a game changer. Unfortunately, it’s been a bumpier road for…

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Bladder Cancer Discovery: Immunotherapy as Maintenance Treatment

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Bladder cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the United States. Bladder cancer is usually diagnosed at “superficial” or non-invasive stages, when it only involves the lining of the bladder and can be treated with removal of the cancerous tissue alone. However, some patients develop high-risk tumors that are likely to come back and…

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